Who we are
Dr. Ethan Mollick is an Associate Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he studies and teaches innovation and entrepreneurship, and also examines the effects of artificial intelligence on work and education. He is the Co-Director of the Generative AI Lab at Wharton. His academic papers have been published in top management journals and his research has been covered by CNN, The New York Times, and other leading publications. His newest book on AI, Co-Intelligence, is a New York Times Bestseller.
Dr. Lilach Mollick is the Co-Director of the Generative AI Lab at Wharton. Her work focuses on the development of pedagogical strategies that include artificial intelligence and interactive methodologies. She has worked with Wharton Interactive to develop a wide range of educational tools and games used in classrooms worldwide. She has also written several papers on the uses of AI for teaching and training, and her work on AI has been discussed in publications including The New York Times and Vox. She advises companies and organizations on the advantages and risks of AI in teaching.
Contact us
For speaking engagements, contact Washington Speakers Bureau
Our academic papers are on SSRN, and other teaching material is available through Wharton Interactive
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